March 18, 2013

vera turned five months old yesterday. it seemed like such a big stepping stone, & i know that when she turns six months it will blow my mind.

the greatest change in my life since having a baby is realizing how precious my time is. i have the tendency to fill it with a lot of pointlessness and neglect what is truly important. but now that the limitless amount of "me" time has been stripped from me, i have to make the most of each moment i have to myself. i often choose to still waste it away in front of project runway (which by the way, i don't think that is always a waste of time). 

but instead i want to choose face time (the real kind, not the mac kind) with my daughter over television. to have breakfast with my husband over an hour more of sleep. to wash the dishes instead of spending another twenty minutes on pinterest. 

but this leads me to the point. the most important way to spend my time is the one that is most easily missed in rhythm of my day: my time with the Lord. mostly due to my longing for rest, i will turn on the tv or hop on the computer to shut my brain down. or sleep another half hour in the morning. and i miss out, because though i am physically tired, that is not the rest that my soul is seeking.

i'm not even talking about a "quiet time". i am merely talking about real time with my real Father. talking to Him as i wash the dishes. reading His Word to get to know Him better. experiencing life with Him. He is my soul's rest. and what struck me to write this little rambling of a post was this quote by pastor john piper in desiring God

"i know of no other way to triumph over sin long-term 
than to gain a distaste for it because of a superior satisfaction in God... 
God remains gloriously all-satisfying. the human heart remains a ceaseless 
factory of desires. sin remains powerfully and suicidally appealing
the battle remains: where will we drink? where will we feast?
feast on God." 

life is so much more than entertainment and sleep. i want to feast on life, and more satisfyingly, feast on God.


  1. so good! it's so easy to be distracted by things nowadays. I mean, am I going to remember that super important (not important at all) article I'm reading on my phone, or my daughters face when I catch her looking at me, wanting my undivided attention??
    thanks for the encouragement marah.
    ps. love that you are blogging again. as little or as much, I love knowing even tiny bits of what's going on in your life!

    1. exactly. i just need a reminder of what is important - every day! :) these are precious days that are flying by. i'm so glad that it encourages you. i love reading your blog, so it was definitely one that inspired me to start up again.. for some reason, this is less intimidating than our 'missionary blog' hahaha.
